
Every year, Home Savers helps about 50 families in Muncie and Delaware County stay safe, warm and dry. Here are some of their stories…

Mr. O

Furnace and Roof Repair

What Home Savers did for us gives me a strong peace of mind and just makes me feel a lot safer! The team is fantastic, and what they did just made me very happy. I have a great a sense of pride and accomplishment from the work that they do for homeowners in our community!

Mr. S


What was done was a huge burden off of my back. I am a Marine Corps vet and I decided to return to school full time. Life really took a big swing at me and Home Savers was there to help! I couldn’t…words could not describe the weight that has been lifted off of my back…I am just very humbled and blessed for the opportunity that I was given.

Mrs. S

Furnace and Sewer Repair

It really felt great, I was really appreciated what the team did for my family. I truly am lucky to have the chance to receive the help that I needed to feel safe and secure in my home!

Mrs. C

Shower Installed

They did a wonderful job, it’s been great having the repairs done. Home Savers is a great program that helps a lot of homeowners in the community. We truly do appreciate everything that was done for us.

Ball State Students Build a Ramp

When we met with this homeowner we noticed that he was in a wheel chair. He lives alone but his family visits him often. He moved to this home because of his friend who was worried about him.

This homeowner reached out to Home Savers because it was difficult to get in and out of his home. He did have a really small ramp previously, but it was very difficult for him to get over the old ramp.

Because of the ramp that Home Savers built for him, he is able to get in and out of his home with no problems. He is also able to practice walking by holding the sides of the ramp. He believes that Home Savers is great and that more people should know about them.

He thinks that they need to market themselves better. According to this homeowner, the service that Home Savers provided was amazing! He wishes that they could have stayed and built another ramp for his side exit door but he understands why they couldn’t because they need the money to help other clients.

World Changers High School Students Build a Ramp

This homeowner had a wooden ramp built outside of her mobile home. She informed us that she had it built because she has pain and the ramp helps her. She has lived in the mobile home for 14-15 years and she lives with her granddaughter who attends Ball State University.

She reported that Home Savers helped her in a timely manner, building a ramp in two days with only ten people. “They only took lunch breaks. They are very, very, very sweet caring people and I am tremendously satisfied with the work they have done,” she claims.

When asked if there is anything that Home Savers can improve on, she stated that there is nothing she could think of. However, she did have her son install roofing over the ramp so it did not get as slick in the winter. She would definitely ask them for help in the future.

Home Savers Helps Senior

We interviewed a seventy-two year old female Muncie resident about how Home Savers has impacted her life. She lives alone after her husband’s death and has been in and out of the hospital recently. She says that she is in a stand still in her life and is trying to gain motivation to do the things she enjoyed in the past.

Because of Home Savers, she says, she has more motivation to do what she enjoys. Home Savers has fixed multiple items in this woman’s home. They have worked on the roof, ceiling, and the door. Her roof had numerous leaks and her ceiling began to cave from water damage. The lock on her door was also faulty and needed replaced. A recommendation from a friend is what prompted this woman to call Home Savers about her leaking roof. Home Savers contacted the woman back and could repair her roof, ceiling, and door.

The woman felt that she could trust Home Savers whenever she called for a repair, she knew Home Savers would call back when they gained the funds and resources to help her. Home Savers has helped the female senior citizen feel more safe in her home.

She believes this organization is a great resource to have in the community. Home Savers provides a positive influence and gives hope to those struggling with severe home repairs. She also believes the group deserves more recognition for the constructive work they have done in the community the past few years.

Home Savers helps Retired Family

We met with another woman that lives in a house with her ill husband. She and her husband have lived in their home for more than five years. She also mentioned a strong admiration for her neighborhood.

The couple benefited from Home Savers when the group built handrails on both sides of her porch steps. Their furnace was also repaired by Home Savers and they are currently hoping to get the roof of their home and the sidewalk in front of their home repaired. It was a long time since this couple had heat in the addition of their home before their furnace was fixed.

Home Savers brought in a specialist in to observe the furnace who recognized a switch on the furnace needed attention. The furnace has been running efficiently ever since. The couple greatly appreciated the work done by the volunteers and staff at Home Savers and claimed they were all very respectful.

The woman also claimed she would recommend Home Savers to anyone in her community, and she hopes that they are able to obtain adequate materials and money to continue helping residents in Delaware County.

How You Can Contribute to Home Savers

Donate Now

Volunteers provide the construction labor, so your donations go directly to helping with repairs and new construction. 
Our 1999 van is facing ongoing maintenance issues. Help us drive closer to our goal—we’re just $7,000 away from a newer ride!

Volunteer Opportunities

We are always looking for volunteers to help out with construction, office projects, publicity, fundraising, and more. Construction skills are welcome, but not necessary for you to contribute.