Donating Helps Keep People Healthy and Communities Maintained
Our Board, CPA and Office Staff Members Are Volunteers; Here’s Where Your Money Goes
This means that your donations go toward the cause of helping people in need. Project costs are divided between Ramps, Steps, Furnaces, Plumbing, Roofs, and Electrical (see chart for division of project costs).
Operating costs include the following.
Performed by an accounting agency, this verifies precisely how the money is being spent and that our agency follows all proper guidelines. It is required in order to apply for some grants.
Liability and vehicle insurance to protect the agency.
Office supplies, phone, and Internet.
Costs for procuring (when necessary) and upkeep of our vehicles used to transport materials to project sites.
Pays for the mortgage, utilities, and maintenance of our facility. Approximately two-thirds of our building is devoted to storing vehicles and materials. The remainder is for our volunteer staff members to coordinate projects.

Donate Through PayPal
Donate through your existing PayPal account with a debit card or credit card.
Donate Through the Community Foundation
Donate to the Home Savers Endowment at the Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County
Mail a Check
Home Savers
P.O. Box 89
Muncie, IN 47308